5 Simple Back To School Hairstyles

Hair Products

In the morning before school it can often be a rush and things like doing your hair are obviously not going to be top of the list of things to do for most people. I know the struggle of looking in the mirror debating whether to use your precious couple of minutes making your hair look presentable or actually packing your bag for school. As a self confessed nerd I always tend to make sure I’m ready for school (I’m such a baby I just really don’t want to get into trouble…), but unfortunately that means my hair usually ends up looking like a scarecrow. So, learning from my mistakes, I have collected my top quick, simple and pretty hairstyles to make your morning routine a lot easier.

Simple French plait


A French plait never fails to look pretty, smart and classy but they also look deceivingly hard to do, when in fact they’re pretty easy! Simply split your hair into three at the front of your head and plait backwards, taking the left strand into the middle, then the right. Each time you carry a strand of hair across, pick up some more hair from your head. When you reach the bottom of your head just carry on plaiting as you normally would until the end of your hair and secure with a bobble.

Princess Belle inspired hair


This is practically my signature style, it’s almost guaranteed that if you see me out and about my hair will be in a half up, half down style with a bun on top. I originally got inspired to start doing this look whilst trying to copy Belle’s hair from ‘Beauty and the Beast’! To recreate this simply separate your hair so that you have a top section and a bottom section. Tie this top section into a ponytail, twirl round into a bun and secure with grips. Voila! A Princess Belle look in under a minute.

Plaited half up half down


Another incredibly easy half up, half down look. Begin by grabbing a section of hair from the front, splitting this into three and plaited your hair backwards as if you were doing a French plait. Once you reach the crown of your head stop adding bits of hair and instead continue on with a normal plait until the end of your hair.



Sometimes all it takes is an incredibly easy ponytail to create a pretty, sleek look. I like to start by scraping the side bits back first, then brushing the top back to create a sleek and styled ponytail.

Plaited crown


This hairstyle is really easy and looks so pretty and somewhat regal – nothing can beat a good old plaited crown. Start by plaiting outwards from the side of your head towards the back of your head. Connect the two small plaits and you’re done!

If I feel that my hairstyle needs a little securing I use hairspray – my favourite ones have to be Harmony Hairspray and L’Oreal Elnett. Instead of using dry shampoo I use the AVON Daily Hair Refresher as it leaves my hair looking clean and shiny without the chalky residue, which is what deters me from using dry shampoo.

Shop the playsuit I’m wearing here.

What are your favourite quick and easy hairstyles? Tell me in the comments below!

Love Chloe x

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3 thoughts on “5 Simple Back To School Hairstyles

  1. Anonymous August 16, 2017 / 3:44 pm

    LOVE this !! You should start a youtube channel !!

    Liked by 1 person

    • chloececiliagoescouture August 16, 2017 / 10:25 pm

      Thank you so much! I actually do have a YouTube channel (chloececiliagoescouture) which I’ll be adding to once I get my camera sorted out xx


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