Packing Tips

I’m about to jet off to Portugal, in fact when you read this I’ll probably have just arrived, and I thought I’d share my top packing tips with you. I travel a few times a year, usually taking the majority of my stuff in a cabin sized bag (crazy I know) and over time I’ve learnt quite a few packing tips and tricks. Read on to find out more!

Pack shoes on the bottom

This is probably the most basic packing tip to have ever existed but it’s a good one! Putting shoes in the bottom of your cases means that they don’t make any of your clothes dirty and they usually fit in neatly.

Bring plastic bags in your case

We all know the struggle, when you’re on holiday and you realise you have absolutely nowhere to put dirty laundry/underwear. By bringing a spare plastic bag you can shove all your dirty laundry in there, you can bring it home easier and put it straight in the wash basket!

Wrap up liquids

I always make sure to seal any liquids I bring in seal-able plastic bags, just in case they happen to leak. This protects the other things in your case from being ruined by pesky shampoo bottles!

Write a packing list

Any of you that know me probably know about how much I love lists. I have lists for everything and that mentality doesn’t stop at packing. Having a packing list makes packing to come home so much easier as you can easily check you’ve got everything, which removes the ‘oh my god I’ve left something in the hotel’ panic.

Aim for a capsule wardrobe

As well as writing a packing list I also tend to list what I’m going to wear each day as this prevents me from over-packing and stops me from umming and ahhing over what to wear on a daily basis when I get there. I’ll already have a case of ready made outfits, which makes everything so much more relaxing.

Fill up bags, shoes and hats

If you’re putting smaller bags, shoes or hats in your case always fill them up with smaller things such as socks, knickers or small perfumes. That way no space is wasted and you can bring more stuff!

What is your favourite packing tip? Tell me in the comments below!

Love Chloe x

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